Thursday, November 4, 2010

Character Trait of the Year...Patience

I HATE being sick. I think that is a blanket statement that everybody can probably say amen to. But I really hate it. I have always bragged that I am rarely ever sick and that I have only been to the doctor 5 times in the 14 years we have lived here.

However, 2010 managed to change everything for me. If you've read my previous blogs, you know about my other incidents starting in March...esophagus issues, sliced open forehead demanding stitches and massive kidney stones requiring three laser surgeries. I thought I was finished; ready to move on with my "healthy" life and get back on track.

Then last week, my body decided to pass a nice-sized stone that was left over from the blasting - 7 more hours in ER...ugh. (my husband asked if we could get a member discount from the hospital!) I finally get through that only to acquire what they think was the Norovirus 6 days later from eating at Cheesecake Factory with my girlfriends.


I'm still puny, weak as a kitten, fever and body aches, but I think the worst of it is over. It would be rather uncouth for me to describe in detail how awful this virus is, so let me just say that you don't EVER want it as long as you live! So...guess what I'm learning this year?

Patience is something to treasure.

Being in control is really out of my control.

Do the best you can and leave the rest up to the Lord.

Don't ever take your health for granted.

Be thankful for your incredible family and how you can all be there for each other.

Oh, and one more...never eat out at a restaurant again! Ok, I'm sure that last one won't stick, but it's the way I feel right now!

That's all I have to say for now. Back to the couch I go since it has taken me over an hour to type this blog!

Let me challenge you to look at the positive and negative events that transpire in your life and see what the Lord is trying to teach you...I believe there's always a golden nugget in there somewhere :)

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