Friday, June 8, 2012

Super Easy Healthy Granola

If you google "homemade granola recipes", you will be shocked at the numerous variations out there.  In my book, granola should be easy.  The recipes that had 10+ ingredients and a cooking time of over an hour, never made it past a second glance for me!  I honestly can't remember where I found this one, but I can promise you that it doesn't get much easier than this.  I made this just today and decided to add the vanilla - excellent addition, I will have to say!  Sometimes, I don't even add the nuts - so then we're talking about FIVE ingredients!  Get your bowl and spoon ready for a 5-star recipe!

2 cups regular rolled oats
1/2 cup local, raw honey
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
1/2 cup sliced almonds or walnuts
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Thoroughly mix and pour onto a large cookie sheet lined with parchment paper (I do this so I don't have to wash the pan!)  Bake at 300 for 30-35 minutes, stirring at 15 minutes.

Do NOT cook more than 35 minutes, even though you will have a strong desire to.  The granola will still look "wet" but it will harden within minutes of being removed from the oven.

Turn out onto wax paper (or just pick up the parchment paper from the hot cookie sheet) so that the granola will cool.  Add any dried fruit at this time.

Ready to eat within 5-10 minutes.  Will keep for two weeks at room temperature or freeze for 6 months.  Of course, ours is always gone within the two week time frame, so no worries here!

My son and I eat it plain ... my daughter adds raisins and eats it with yogurt ...  my hubby eats it as cereal - it's such a universal food!

Happy eating!

Friday, June 1, 2012

You Are Going to LOVE This Oil!

I have been using this amazing, healthy coconut oil for almost a year now with delighted success.  I posted a shortened version of this list on my Facebook wall the other day but decided to copy and paste the list in its entirety for your reading enjoyment.

In case you haven't heard, the latest buzz with coconut oil correlating the web has been related to Alzheimer sufferers.  There is so much information being published right now about the positive effects of this oil, that it is jaw-dropping.  Just Goggle and even YouTube some key words and you'll be shocked at your findings.  Please take five minutes to read through this blog and then get coconut oil on your grocery list - ASAP! 

  1. Eat a spoonful when you need an energy boost.
  2. Use it as the base for a homemade body scrub 
  3. Use to condition your wooden cutting boards.
  4. Use as a super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal).
  5. Use as a styling agent if you have really dry hair. Just rub a tiny bit on your palms and apply to your hair and style as normal.
  6. Keep a little container in your purse for lip moisturizer.
  7. Add a spoonful to your dog or cat’s food. CO is great for our furry friends!
  8. Replace nasty, unhealthy vegetable oils in your cooking and baking with CO.
  9. Make healthy Magic Shell ice cream topping. 
  10. Use it for oil pulling (goggle to learn more)
  11. Use a tiny dab on your underarms for a natural deodorant.
  12. Use coconut oil instead of shaving cream.
  13. Add to your bath tub for a moisturizing soak (a drop of peppermint oil is wonderful!)
  14. Use as a makeup remover.
  15. Use it to help sooth chicken pox, shingles, or other rashes or skin irritations.
  16. Use it to treat athlete’s food, ringworm, or other fungal or yeast infections.
  17. Take a spoonful with your vitamins to help improve absorption.
  18. Spread a thin layer on cuts or burns to speed up healing.
  19. Take up to 5 spoonfuls per day for improved thyroid function.
  20. Add a spoonful to your smoothies for extra nutrition and flavor
  21. Use on the delicate tissue around your eyes to help prevent wrinkles and sagging.
  22. Use as the base for homemade toothpaste or lotion.
  23. Use in place of massage oil.
  24. Use on your baby’s diaper rash or cradle cap.
  25. Use to help reduce visibility of stretch marks or to prevent stretch marks.
  26. For nursing mothers, use coconut oil on your nipples to prevent cracking and irritation.
  27. For nursing mothers, consuming coconut oil will help increase your milk flow.
  28. Apply to bee stings or bug bites to soothe and heal the wound.
  29. Women can use in the nether regions to relieve yeast infections, dryness, and/or discomfort.
  30. Eat a spoonful with each meal to improve digestion.
  31. If you’re prone to nosebleeds, coat the inside of your nostrils with coconut oil regularly.
  32. Helps soothe and heal hemorrhoids.
  33. Take to helps reduce or eliminate migraines.
  34. Use as the base for homemade vapor rub
  35. Mixed with peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary, or tea tree oil makes an excellent insect repellant.
  36. Mix with baking soda for a non-toxic “Goo Gone”.
  37. Use to help detox the body during a cleanse or fast.
  38. Use as a metal polish, but always test a small area first.
  39. Use as a leather moisturizer.
  40. Season your cast iron pans.
  41. Use to oil your pans and baking dishes instead of pan spray.
  42. Got gum stuck in your hair? Try using coconut oil to remove without cutting your hair.
  43. Use instead of WD-40.
  44. Use as a personal lubricant (not safe with latex).
  45. Take a spoonful to help with heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion.
  46. Use as a natural sunscreen.
  47. Mix with a tiny bit of fresh lemon juice and use as a furniture polish (always test a small area first!).
  48. Mix with butter and toss your popcorn in it.
  49. Use on cracked or rough heals to help smooth them out.
  50. Massage into your nails and cuticles to help strengthen them.
  51. Use as the base for homemade chocolate candy (like peanut butter cups)
  52. Take a couple spoonfuls every day to help overall immune function
  53. Rub the inside of your nose with coconut oil to help with runny noses, allergies, sore nostrils, etc.
  54. Use on a newborn’s bottom to help keep the meconium from sticking to the skin.
    And the list continues...
    55. Use as a guitar string lubricant.
    56. Massage into tired, achy, or sore muscles (adding a couple drops of essential oil is nice).
    57. Mix with oregano oil or tea tree oil and use on athletes foot or other fungal infections.
    58. One person started using coconut oil and noticed that it helped their colitis symptoms. 
    59. Use as a mascara brush cleaner.
    60. Brush on your eyelashes for an eyelash strengthener.
    61. Use on pimples and acne.
    62 Use on toast instead of butter
    63. Research is showing that it may help with dementia, Alzheimer's  and Parkinson’s.
    64. Use a little bit on a damp cloth to clean a scummy shower. Wipe with coconut oil, then spray with white vinegar and wipe dry.
    65. Use to treat lice 
    66. Use to help prevents stretch marks for pregnant mothers
    67. Mix with garlic and keep on hand for extra flavorful cooking and baking.
    68. Use as the carrier oil for homemade baby wipes.
    69. Use on warts and/or moles.
    70. Whip in your mixer for a fluffy body moisturizer that stays soft year round.
    71. Use on color-treated hair for extra conditioning.
    72. Mix with nutmeg and use on blemishes (leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off).
    73. Use to soothe burns (only apply after the initial heat from the burn is gone. Do not apply to burns that have not “cooled” or else it will trap the heat in the skin).
    74. Mix in your hot coffee or tea.
    75. Use on new tattoos to help with healing.
    76. Mix with baking soda for a facial scrub.
    77. Use to help control and reduce eczema and/or psoriasis symptoms.
    78. Massage into your dog’s skin to help with dandruff.
    79. Add a spoonful to your dog’s food to help with arthritis, or other joint/ligament problems, digestion issues, and weight control.
    80. Use as a non-toxic flea treatment.
    81. Use to soothe hot spots on your dog’s skin.
    82. Take a spoonful about 20 minutes before a meal to help curb your appetite.
    83. Helps treat thrush.
    84. Helps with bladder infections and symptoms.
    85. Helps smooth wrinkles and shrink pores.
    86. Helps with yeast infections (both internal and external).
    87. Use instead of mineral spirits to clean hands and brushes after using oil-based paints.
    88. Use to sooth sore throats (let a little dissolve in your mouth and slowly run down your throat).
    89. If you wax your skin at home, use to prep your skin and remove excess wax from your skin.
    90. Some recommend coconut oil for patients with ADHD and Autism.
    91. Use to treat ringworm.
    92. Use to make homemade soap
    93. Use to make homemade lip balm.
    94. Use coconut oil to detail the inside of your car (add a little to a soft cloth and polish).
    95. Use to help with ear infections. Put a few drops into your ear at the first sign of an infection.
    96. One person said that it seems to have helped soften kidney stones to help them pass easier.
    97. Use instead of shortening for pie crusts, biscuits, etc. 
    98. Use to lubricate kitchen scissors when cutting sticky foods (like dates, marshmallows, etc.).
    99. Mix with oil of oregano and use at the first sign of a cold sore.
    100. Mix with a drop of lavender oil and use to help soothe piles and hemorrhoids.
    101. For expecting mothers, use to massage on the perineum daily starting at 7 or 8 months
    102. Mix with cinnamon and oatmeal for a face scrub.
    103. Use to clean the inside of your dog’s ears.
    104. If you use a mouthguard, use coconut oil as a cleaner. Just wipe some on your mouthguard and let it sit during the day. Rinse well before using. Use a thin layer on the guard each morning to help keep it clean.
    105. Use as the base for this homemade deodorant. 
    106. Treat a sty on your eyelid.
    107. Removes lipstick out of carpet
    108. Use to help with menopausal dryness 
    109. Use on your plant’s leaves instead of chemical-filled leaf shine. Just dab a small amount on a soft cloth and wipe your plant’s leaves with it.
    110. Use a dab on a canker sore to help soothe the pain and speed healing.
    111. Use to remove chewing gum from your shoe, carpet, or other unsavory areas where gum has gotten stuck.
    112. When given to cats, it seems to help with the hairball issue 
    113. Feed to your dog to help improve doggie breath 
    114. Use to soothe pink eye infections. 
    115. Some say coconut oil can help with ulcers by fighting against the H-Pylori bacteria. 
    116. Use instead of soybean or canola oil for frying.
    117. Add coconut oil to your soups for added nutrition.
    118. Replace vegetable oils in baked goods with coconut oil.
    119. Make your own peanut butter with coconut oil.
    120. Use coconut oil in homemade infant formula.
    121. Massage into fingertips to soothe and prevent hangnails and ingrown nails.
    Whew!!  I'm sure this seems like an exhaustive list, but I promise you that once you start using this incredible oil, you will find many more uses to add to the list.
    There are several places to buy quality coconut oil.  Tropical Traditions, Nutiva and Fresh Shores have the highest quality grade of coconut oil (visit Dr. Mercola's site to learn about what to look for in a supreme coconut oil).  As always, visit Amazon to make sure you're getting the best price possible.
    I hope this lengthy blog and list has inspired you to research this oil and ultimately decide to throw away those awful bottles of canola, safflower and vegetable oils that are lurking in your pantry.
    Here's to purposeful living with a healthy mindset!