Monday, June 14, 2010

Brain-Dead Summer? Not Here!

Remember my post a few weeks back about purposeful living? Well, I am determined to carry that forth into the summer months. In an effort to make sure that my children do not loose their eye sight glued to the PS3 or become vegetables flipping through approved movies and tv shows, I have devised an evil plan - all for their benefit, of course! This is a list that I typed up about five years ago and used successfully for several years. The last two summers were already consumed with massive vacations and other activities that a list wasn't needed. However, I have decided that an update is needed this year(except for my 17 year old - that might be overkill!) so that video games do not take control of the household.

If you decide to do the same, be creative with your list and ask the Lord to open your eyes to things that you wouldn't normally think about. This is especially good for younger children who still need direction and organization to their summer days. I believe you will find that it will bring peace and structure (yes, you can use those two words together in the same sentence!) to your lazy days while still allowing your kids to get in as many smiles as possible! My goal is always to diffuse the words, "I'm BORED!" Since I have never agreed with being the kids entertainment director, a list such as this puts the responsibility back on them to remind them of all the activities available. Posted on the refrigerator allows listless hands to quickly change directions!

Now that my children are older and past playing with pipe cleaners, here are some of the things that will/have appeared on our list: Swimming (as always!), making jewelry,drawing, putting together a bird house, babysitting, making something from Legos for a contest,participating in the Junior Farmers Market, bike/scooter riding, painting curb house numbers to make money,fishing, camping, going to the lake, learning to bake with momma,and plenty of park outings!As you can tell by the pictures, we have already accomplished quite a bit for only three weeks of summer behind us!

My challenge to you...without being a slave to the list, allow your children to expand their horizons and develop/increase their creative side. Above all - be carefree and flexible. Life is too short to have too many rules!

1 comment:

  1. Well its always been a challenge to keep my kids from being bored, so when we traveled we would start with A and go to Z with signs along the highway. What you did is a great idea.
