Each child has their "suitcase" ready at the front door - it is packed full of adaptors, gadgets, electronic devices, processors, drying units and things I don't even know how to name!
These strong offspring of mine are phycially and mentally prepared. They understand that they will only begin to hear a little after todays 4-hour appointment. Then a little more on Thursdays 3-hour appointment while the rest of the 22 electrodes are paired up next Tuesday. Our kids, who have "heard" at a 90-110 db loss will actually hear at a 20-30 db loss in just a few short days.
I am in awe even as I type this.
My mind is on overload.
I had trouble living in the real world yesterday. I kept day-dreaming. Complete lack of focus. What now? Will I have to continue to sign? Will they truly be able to have a normal conversation and not shake their heads and smile having no idea what the person actually said? This has been our world for so long, that I really cannot fathom a different way. Only God knows...
I honestly cannot wrap my fingers around the possibilites that are now within arms reach.
For such a time as this....Allen and I have to believe that God, in His infinite wisdom, planned for October 12, 2011. He's not late or too early. I personally believe He is indeed an on-time God! He has ordained our steps and ordered our days!
On the way home from guitar lessons yesterday, Adam was beyond excitement about today's possibilites. He asked me when the next surgery date was for the other ear and why it was so far out from the first surgery. When I explained that the stitches had to heal and then we needed to see what kind of success we will have with this implant before we fully committ to the second surgery, he was flabbergasted! He shouted, "What are you talking about? Of course we're going to have success - 100% success! This will work, mom - I will hear tomorrow!"
Precious! Just precious!!!!!!