Sunday, May 2, 2010

Purposeful Living

Have you ever thought about living on purpose? I know that sounds a little awkward - we certainly don't live on accident, right? But there is a hidden meaning in this statement. Purposeful living boils down to purposeful action. How can you live a purposeful life without acting purposefully?

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I remember hearing a sermon on this topic many years ago. I also read a book a few years back called "Raising Your Children on Purpose." There is more to raising kids than removing peanut butter from our preschooler's hair, sparing the cat from an untimely demise, and talking our teen down from a hormonal high. Proverbs 22:6 says we are to: Raise up a child the way he should go... Rather than raising our children by accident (from crisis to crisis) the Bible indicates we are to raise our children on purpose -according to their God-given purpose.

My kids are now at an age (12, 13 and 17) that the things we say and do have a real meaning for them - good or bad. They don't really remember playing with Play-Doh or writing their names in the shaving cream, but they certainly remember the vacation last year and how upset I was last week!

Remember your momma telling you to be good because you never know who might be watching you? Most of the time, it is my own children. I want to purposely fill their love tank not belittle them because they didn't quite understand today's math lesson. I want to plant a window-sill garden with them and not sigh just because the dirt spilled everywhere. I want to purposely instill in them a Godly moral warehouse and teach them how to hear that still small Voice. How do you do that? Taught not caught? Not necessarily. I think it has to be both. I can teach them to love each other and have patience but I fail if they 'catch' me loosing my patience with my husband. Just because he's a safeguard, doesn't mean I have the right to take my frustrations out on him.

I purposely took my kids to the arts festival today. Why? To expose them to incredible art and the wild arena that art encompasses. With each booth we approached, we talked about what medium was used, canvas versus framed art, what original and duplicate meant and why the price tag was different for each. It was educational, informative and fun. They were amazed at the array of artists and wanted to visit each tent. Since all of my kids draw incredibly well, they were awestruck by the talent before them. Purposeful living.
I don't want to parent from crisis to crisis. I want to know each of my children so well, that I make hourly deposits into their love bank. I want the patience and self-control to listen to the Spirit each time I attempt to make a withdrawal. I know that God created each of them individually and already has a plan for their life. As parents, we need to assess our child's natural talent and gifting and discover their God-given calling. Teach them to laugh often and love much; earn the respect of others while finding the best in the human race; find the best in others and give graciously of themselves.

We have several goals in our family and one of them is that we want our children to be a blessing to others. Sinful parents raising sinful children in a fallen world - this is not going to happen accidentally. It must be purposeful living.


  1. Oh, my sweet intelligent daughter, you are such a blessing to me. Sometimes I feel like our lives are becoming reversed. I taught you for many years, by words and by action, and now when I'm still in so much pain and get so discouraged, depressed, and feel so worthless, you post another lesson, just for me and it feels like you're letting me know that you did hear me, that I did do something right.
    You are such a blessing to your children and Allen and especially me.
    I love you sweet child,

  2. I couldn't agree more! I recently wrote a post about Intentional living. I didn't go into as much detail as you, but the message is the same. Ginger commented on mine that we will spend our moments toward the purchase of "something". I love that! I want to spend my moments on worthwhile, purpose driven things.
