Several people have asked me about the essential oils I use and some of their benefits. I decided to list my top oils and how to apply them for certain illnesses. There are over 160 oils that Young Living carriers, so this is obviously just a scratch on the surface. However, the oils listed here are ones that I make sure I am never out of. In fact, most of them I always have two bottles on hand!
Antiseptic, anti-fungal, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, reduces cholesterol and good for respiratory infections Also helps with high blood pressure, pms, (works great with my 14 year old daughter) skin conditions, eczema, stretch marks, burns, hair loss and insomnia
Anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, pain reliever, curbs appetite, respiratory infections, arthritis, cold sores, headaches, digestive problems, nausea, skin conditions, back problems, constipation, breath freshener and drains sinuses. This is my all-time favorite oil!
Antiseptic immune stimulant, improves memory and relaxation. Helps with varicose veins, anxiety, acne, digestive problems, sore throat and urinary track infections. I use this daily on my kids right before we start school. I love to diffuse this oil during test days!
Balsam Fir:
Throat/sinus infection, fatigue, arthritis urinary tract infections relaxant
Hair loss, antibacterial, ADHD, eczema and allergies
Topical antiseptic, clean/disinfects cuts, scrapes, burns and rashes
Anti-bacterial, anti fungal, immune stimulant, arthritis, respiratory infection and digestive problems
Apply to chest, neck and throat area for relief from breathing issues related to asthma, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, coughs and upper respiratory infections. It decongests sinus passages, combats lung infections and relives allergy symptoms. Excellent oil to diffuse and inhale. This has stopped my daughter an mother in-law from an asthma attack more than once.
I hope this small list has given you a good, detailed account as to what oils can help with certain ailments and how to administer them. I have only been using the oils for about 1-1/2 years now, so I am by no means an expert, but would love to answer any questions you have. The 8-1/2 x 11 desk reference book I just bought is amazing and can probably answer any question looming in your mind! Although I am a distributor with Young Living, I do not run this as a business, but just pass the word on how amazing these oils are. They truly have replaced numerous pharmaceutical medications in our household. I sell to my friends the wholesale price that I pay, so if you would like to order anything, just let me know.
Happy healthy living, my friends!
Thank you for sharing. They are starting to change my life too. :)