I know I'm REALLY late posting this but I just couldn't make the time to sit here and share! Even though I'm three weeks late, I still want to share what we did for Thanksgiving this year.
I am always trying to find new and creative things for us to do together as a family. Having an age span of 13 to 18, mixed with two of them being deaf, the interest and ability levels vary tremendously. From activities to games, books, movies and read alouds, it's a constant struggle that I will not give up on!
As we were having our traditional Thanksgiving lunch at Mimi's Cafe, I brought a notebook and explained a little game that I thought of that morning. Although this may seem very remedial to some and rather silly to do with an 18 year old boy, it proved to be a very memorable experience for us. Using the alphabet as our guide, we went around the table and had everyone tell us what they were thankful for that started with their assigned letter. We continued until we were at the end of the alphabet.
Now, what was so amusing was listening to every one's feedback after they heard what someone had picked for their letter. Shouts of 'how could you be thankful for egg salad when the elephants that God created are so amazing!' So, once we were finished, everyone wanted to do it again so they could give their answer to a letter they didn't get the first time. My cheeks were actually sore when we left from all the laughing and several times my husband kept trying to hush us up as the onlookers were really looking! My oldest informed me that he has given me plenty of blogging material in just one luncheon with the family :)
I realize that this list may mean nothing to you and it probably won't even make you giggle, but I'm posting it anyways because it's my blog and I want a written record of these items and this day!! (wow - that sounded really snotty but it sure was fun typing it - baaahaa!)
A: Adam and apples
B: Bananas and bats
C: Cochlear Implants :)
D: Dad and dogs
E: Egg salad and elephants
F: Flirting and Fords
G: God and Grandparents
H: Holy Spirit and hospitals
I: Ice cream and International Airports
J: Jesus and Joy
K: Kyle and Kitchen
L: Love, lakes and Lego Universe
M: Mom, mall and Monopoly
N: Nintendo and nachos
O Oven, onions and Oreos
P: Prayer and paper
Q: Questions and queens
R: Racing and restrooms
S: Shopping and Savior
T: Teaching and Model T's
U: Us, underwear, utters and uniqueness
V: Victoria, victory and vase
W: Water and WWW
X: Xmen!
Y: You and yellow
Z: Zipper and zebras
If you know my children, you can pretty much guess which child gave which answer!
My wishes are tardy, but I still hope you had an incredible Thanksgiving Day and that most of all...I hope you made memories!