I went out back today to experience the calm after the storm from last night. After witnessing these gorgeous Morning Glories, I had to go back inside to get my camera. I just stood there in awe. Not only the beauty of what stood in front of me but what it represented as well.
I have a difficult weekend ahead of me as I head back to Ohio to finish going through my dads stuff and get his house ready for market.
The past week has been trying. So many emotions. So many words left unsaid. So broken yet grateful.
Each day brings me additional hope that I thought was exhausted. These delicate flowers that only reveal their beauty before the sun makes it peak, reminds me that His mercies truly are new each morning as well.
Two months ago, I realized that I had 3 seeds left. I decided to plant them around this lantern bird seeder in hopes that it would wind itself around the pole and pop some flowers.
Do you see what I see? The vine has flourished - not only encompassing the bird feeder but extending over the other bushes as well. But it was the thing on the right that made me giggle. That ridiculous city meter that is such an eye sore.
God allowed this incredible vine of grace and loveliness to surround and nearly hid the ugliness of this object.
He's done that in my life as well. Even when I haven't asked. When I surrender the most intimate part of my soul to my Creator, He takes it and does things with it that are beyond my comprehension. He shows me that even in the midst of the hurt, guilt and sadness, He is still God and the flowers will still bloom.
This city meter will never go away. Ever. But that doesn't mean that it can't be beautified in some fashion.
My dad is is walking with my Heavenly Father instead of sitting on my couch right now. But that doesn't mean I can't rejoice in his pain-free life and trust in the goodness of my God.
God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good!
Oh, I forgot to mention .... Morning Glories are my dads favorite flowers ;)